Here is what we did the weekend of Halloween 2013!
Saylors first Halloween that she was really excited to participate in, she chose her costume and Minnie of course :)
Harrison was "Crusher" a Skylander and Hudson was an Army Ranger.
We went to my brother's house down in the Oaks District in Hattiesburg and I tell you, that place was awesome! It was like the neighborhood on Halloween I without the murderer, kids running everywhere, people all outside on their porches, halloween music and sounds coming from the houses, leaves falling everywhere. Perfect.
We went to the Sauls' Crestola Farms fall festival and had a grand time together.
The Antique Mall (where we have a booth) had their Christmas Open House and it really got the holiday festiveness kicked off! Great day, saw lots of people!
Here is a pic before school and I laughed out loud when I reviewed them, this is exactly what our lives are like, not picture perfect but our kind of perfect :) These boys are crazy!