Sunday, May 24, 2009

I have to say, I am always blabbing and carrying on about my precious baby boys and yeah they are the cutest things and yeah they are hilarious but I have another "baby boy" in my life that I have something to say about too.....So...Joely (as I like to call him :) this is for you..... ahem.
You start so early I am never
awake and from the house you tip toe and no sound do you
You work so hard yet make time
to call to ask if the boys give me any trouble at
We watch out the window for you
to return as I keep an eye on your dinner so it will not
You come in with kisses for
each of our faces, you hear all our stories as I cover all the
Bad day or not we never
can tell, you are all smiles and hugs to no avail!
After dinner you say " Now
it's time to march!" straight to the tub where you bathe our boys from head
to arch!
Your day is so steady that
when it all winds down you can barely stay awake, it used to make me
frown :(
You try to stay awake for the
new reports but if all else fails, "baby just wake me for
I love you so dearly my
strong, brilliant man....I want to go shopping next Saturday....think I