Monday, November 16, 2009

Blessed Birthday!

Today is my 28th birthday and it has a different feel to it this year. I have to say it doesn't feel so bad I have a sense of calmness and satisfaction. I am at a great place and I think it will only get better which says a lot. This has been a relatively difficult year for our (Joel's side and my side) families but in that same breath we are all extremely blessed and resilient so I feel good about where we are and we are headed.

Joel and I lost our baby last week at 13 weeks pregnant. We are at peace with it and understand that it was best. We are not empty handed and we know God is good and he takes care of His children, He has a plan. For my birthday I was given an angel. I am thankful for that precious baby and the new outlook that our angel has given me on our lives and our sweet baby boys that are miracles themselves. What a gift they are! I am ready to just " Be Still" and know that we are blessed and enjoy our time together especially through this holiday season. Thank you to our friends and family for your thoughts, prayers and kind words.


  1. Amanda, I am so, so very sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family.

  2. Amanda,

    I was just looking at your blog tonight and I am so sorry to learn of your loss. You and Joel are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Jane and David

  3. Amanda, Your attitude is so important and no surprise. Although the pain you and Joel suffered was very difficult, we were concerened, but never worried. We had confidence that you would heal physically and grow spiritually, you have. We are so proud of both of you and feel so blessed.

    Love you,
    Mom & Dad

  4. Oh dear Amanda... Chris and I were so heartbroken to hear the news of your baby. There are really no words we can offer, but we can PRAY for you guys everyday! The Lord will hold you up and continue to bless you, Joel and your sweet, busy baby boys! We love you guys...
