Wednesday, February 3, 2010


"Mmmmm.....this is deelissis!", this is what Harrison said as he began to eat his dinner one night this week...I have NO idea where this came from that is not something I or Joel say, but needless to say it made me laugh out loud. Hudson's BFF changes between Harrison and Charlie on a daily basis and he has been coming to get me and tells me I need to go outside and give Charlie a hug, I guess Charlie tells him to.

I took the boys to Mickey D's last night while Joel was at a game just for an outing and change of scenery and they were soooo good. They stayed in our booth and ate ALL of their dinner. They smiled and greeted the patrons as they came in or left, we had small talk and enjoyed each other's company. As we are leaving, we walk out of the door and one runs around the front of the building and the other towards the back (it is night at this point and the drive-thru is packed) so I had to make an instinctual decision which way to run and I took off to the one closer to the road, Hudson, grabbed the back of his shirt and ran the other way. While reaching for Harrison a lady in the drive-thru rolled down her window and offered her help. Embarrassed, I smiled told her no thank you and grabbed Harrison's arm. I laughingly told her I don't usually do this by myself for this reason, as I am herding my sheep to the car door. She kindly smiled and said, "Well you're doing a good job and they will remember your time and effort with them". She was probably over 40 and had her older kids in her older Tahoe, it was kind of symbolic, like me 12 years from now... she was so genuine. It made me smile on the way home, I wish I would have thanked her. So the lesson learned was genuine goodness and kind SIMPLE words are such an impacting gift to someone so speak up when you get the hankering!

Here are some pics of bath time with Daddy, he bathes and dresses them while I clean up dinner so I snuck in and did some documenting :)