Monday, February 6, 2012

One-on-one with the King

As Im getting Saylor out of the bath and ready for bed...
Harrison "mom who is our king?"
Me "Jesus"
H "he is in the sky though"
Me " he is also in your heart and with you all the time"
H "he hears what I say in this house?"
Me "he is always with you buddy"

He was quiet for a minute and then he started talking real low and quiet..

H "hey Jesus, what are you doing? Yeah? I'm just talking to Mommy. Guess?! Ok, only one guess? Are you going to make another person? I did? Yay!! I got it right, ok thank you Jesus and I love you"
H "ok mom I was just talking to Jesus and he let me have one guess and I got it right, he's about to make somebody, that's awesome"

He was very serious and oh so innocent.... God knew he needed some one-on-one after he saw Harrison tee tee outside at St.John's open house tonight :/


  1. HA!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this! So, so sweet... and funny. When ya gotta go... Oh, I am still laughing!
