Friday, June 1, 2012

Airborne Trampoline

These are some snapshots of what we have been up to this summer so far! We went to Global Wildlife and rented a Jeep to ride around and feed the animals, it was so neat. We played with kittens, ate crawfish, went to eat after church with a sleeping baby and watched Saylor push around her little stool and stand and sit on it whenever she needs a break! The picture of the storm coming in, is the one I took about 3 minutes before straight-line winds blew in and put our trampoline in flight and dumped it in the brush and woods in the lot next door. Joel is trying to figure out how to salvage it :/ the last picture you can see the side of it peeping out.


  1. Stop it right now! I cannot believe that happened to your trampoline!! Only at the Pierce house ;) I do hope it can be salvaged. That last picture of Saylor is just too much!

  2. Holy crap! I was wondering what happened to the trampoline! Love that last pic of Saylor!
