Monday, September 17, 2012

The Golden Rule

This all started last week when the principal called me and and asked me to come tutor part-time. Without thinking I said yes! I thought this will be a good way to keep my head in the game and make a little extra cash. The boys are in preschool from 7:45 till 11:45 and that was when he said I could work. I found a precious lady that came highly recommended, "Khaki". We went and visited her last week and Saylor got down and played and seemed very comfortable. So I started the daily grind at 5:20 this morning. I was ready when the kids started waking up and actually it was a great morning. After we dropped Saylor off and she cried when we left (Hudson got back in the car and said, "I almost started crying") we had some time so I took them and got them a super sugary breakfast to make-up for my motherly guilt of Saylor :) We usually go through drop-off but since it was too early they went in the cafeteria and ate their treat before the bell rung. I will be tutoring 11th grade US History students on the vocabulary, syntax and testing methods of the US History State Test. I ended up being a History Substitute today and will be through the week...not what I had in mind but my mom was right, I think they will be using me any way they can and taking advantage of the extra help. We shall see :\ 

My big boys eating breakfast, donut holes and a yoo-hoo,  before school, Harrison still had his Yoo-Hoo bottle in his backpack after school (they have never had one before) and I looked at the sugar content and it had 41 grams of sugar!! Woops, sorry teachers!!

Saylor going to her first day at Khaki's house, waving bye with all of her collection (baby, blanket, juice, paci and backpack)

Here is one of her in Brantlee's dress, she reminds us all the time of our sweet B, they way she acts and is built is a lot like her. Thanks for letting us borrow this dress Brantlee!

This smart guy recited the Golden Rule at school today all by himself! He got an award and a sticker. That was their homework for September and we haven't worked on it like we should so I was very proud of his achievement!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amanda this is major! You'll enjoy the routine (and extra money) once you get settled. Saylor will do great! B will be so honored about the dress ;) Saylor is so grown up & beautiful. Yay for sweet Hudson!
