Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fluffiest and Cutest!

I am behind on my posts so I'm going to try to get a few done on the next day! We thought the winter months were going to be slow after Christmas but our weekends are already booked until the end of March and April is filling up! I feel like we have a lot on our plate right now and with Basketball season in tournament play Joel is very busy!

We went to the park last week for a picnic and here we are taking a walk...Harrison was here too he just found a hispanic little boy to play with and he kept yelling, "Si si!" at him to get his attention. He was intrigued and even taught the little boy how to play Rock Scissors Paper.

Last weekend we went to the Mystic Krewe of Zeus in Hattiesburg, Brian our good friend was a new dignitary this year and we so much fun watching the presentation and catching up with old friends.

Sometimes its fun to get dressed up and go on a special date!

Catching up with Chrissy, my camera was awful this night. This is one of those friends that no matter how long you go or how crazy your lives are its like we just picked up the conversation where we left off last time! We have major history that makes me smile to think about.....and laugh :)

The morning after Zeus we were up and back in Laurel in time for the boys first baseball try outs!! I still don't understand why a 5 year old needs to try out but whatever, apparently I'm in store for a lot of craziness excitement with baseball! With twin boys I just would like to stick to the all team sports and not focus on individual strengths yet!! :/

Today they had a pet show at school! Hudson won "Fluffiest Pet" and Harrison won "Cutest Pet". I tried to get them to take different animals or even their awesome personalized build-a-bears that could fit in their backpack but they had to bring the biggest thing we had and the same one...... brothers.


  1. Rock, Paper, Sissors must be popular amount little boys right now, last night Alec told me he wanted to play, so I agreed. He says, "Rock, Paper, Sissors, ANGRY BIRDS" And apparently, he won with angry birds, I think I must need to do some catching up on the "new" version of this game!

  2. Too cute! LOVE the stuffed animals :)
