Our first night there they took all of the guests on a sunset cocktail cruise. There were at least 40 people! We took a boat out on the Pacific side and watched the sunset. Cabo is known for this natural Arc in the rocks off the very tip of the Baja Peninsula.
This was at the rehearsal, at the Sunset de Mona Lisa. Angie, Lauren, Chrissy, me, Carolyn, Katherine and Vanessa. The little girls are Lauren's nieces, Allie and Caroline.
The next day at the pool, Joel and I won the trivia game. It was like winning the World Cup, so exciting, wish I had a trophy.
The beautiful bride and her dad.
The wedding had its own Mariachi band that played all the music before and during the ceremony.
This whale is a slide that goes into the pool, we played on it like kids, so much fun!
This was the view from our balcony.
Joel and I had the best time with friends and let loose and played in the ocean (which I normally would never do) played in the pool, ate amazing food, got great sleep and saw some of God's most amazing work. Thanks to the Bicker's for hosting such a grand week and letting us be a part of such a special wedding!
We went to Cabo for our honeymoon and are going back for our 5th anniversary over Christmas! LOOOOOVE the Sunset de Mona Lisa. You'll have to tell me where else y'all went that you might recommend. :)