Thursday, May 20, 2010

I got my Baby Soup on!

We broke out the pool this week and have been in it everyday. It is so different from last year being able to just let them play and I can soak up the sun or scan a magazine. The best part to me is being able to bathe them and wash their hair in the pool before we dump it out each night, super easy and super fast. Joel has been working on his Summer Final paper for his doctorate and it is not fun for anyone...but only 3 more months. As soon as the boys are down @ 8ish he is in the office on the computer until after 10:00 usually. We get a quick conversation in before he drifts off. I am proud of him and its only temporary, he has a lot on his shoulders right now. Here are some great things I heard this week:

*Getting ready to go fill the pool up, Harrison says, "Momma where is your baby soup?" (bathing suit)

*Hudson playing with his water toy fishing pole, "fix my honk!" I say, " you mean your hook?" he assures
me, ", my honk!" (holding up his hook)

* My mom Skyping with Harrison, "Harrison Shaw, what are you doing?" Harrison replies, "No, I'm not
Grandma Shaw, I'm Harrison!" (my Granny's last name is Shaw it confuses him that they share it)

* Harrison, "I want to go to Nanniesburg!" Me, "Hattiesburg?!" Harrison, " Yeah, Nanniesburg"

* Me to Hudson, "Do you need to go tee tee?" Hudson, " No Ma'am" (this is the first time that he has said
this on his own and intentionally, made me proud)

Have a great weekend!!


  1. These quotes from the boys make me smile on the inside and out!! So glad you are writing all this down.

  2. Nanniesburg... ha!! Such funny boys :)
