Friday, May 28, 2010

Time out for two?

We got home from running errands yesterday and the boys had been asleep, they woke up and wanted to get in the pool so I started to change them. I went to make them some popcorn and juice and when I returned (2 minutes later) this is how I found them asleep! They slept just like this for about an hour.

They have been getting in trouble for opening the refrigerator and leaving the door open or getting into things. There is way too much opportunity for trouble and mess in the refrigerator. Joel said this morning, "we need to get a deadbolt for the fridge" and I defended them and said, No I think they just have to learn, they wont hurt anything....."

We can always make room for two in TIME OUT. I told them I had to take pictures to show Daddy so they didn't think I was proud. Now .... about that deadbolt!