Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Waiting on the beach

Summer is here, the temperatures make this clear
Next week to the beach our car will steer, in hopes that the waters will stay clear
These boys are ready to see the beach, that bright white sand that is soft as a peach.
Its definitely time to get some fresh air, mommy needs some sunshine before I pull out my hair!
Hudson in pen drew a portrait on the wall, Harrison and his blue marker covered it all
Sidewalk chalk on the wool rug and chair, red paint from the shovel on the car door, I swear.
Toes in the water, rear in the sand, sun on my face and a cold drink in my hand
Crabs to hunt and castles to build, memories to be made and hearts to be filled.
These days are passing slow, into the blow-up pool and backyard we go
We wait till the day its time to head south, uh-oh gotta run they have the scissors in their mouth!

(I don't know why all of this is underlined, blogger is acting crazy! Here are some pics from this week!)

Hudson trying to love on Harrison... the affection is not reciprocated.

Boys before church because ..... WE WERE READY EARLY!!!

Harrison likes to build right now, if Hudson comes within a 6 foot radius you will hear about it!

My boys LOVE to fish...they fish with everything, mostly pretend fishing poles but these pool toys catch some big ones!


  1. Awww, I LOVE this! Very cute. And trust me, the feelings are mutual. Great pictures too!

  2. I LOVE the poem! Way too cute! and, cute pics too.
