This was our Saylor's first Christmas Season and although it was busy it was such a joy to have her with us this year and to enjoy the magic that the season brings with little ones around. I had 443 photos from the 2 weeks over Christmas break!!! I have narrowed them down but I think my eyes are permanently crossed! Here is a very abbreviated glimpse at our wonderful Christmas this year!

Boys had a party at school, they did a little program and got to sit in Santa's lap!

Christmas with the Pierce's! All 7 grand kids, this picture is always a tradition, Saylor preferred to chew on her hat versus wear it.

The big girls, Julia, Adrienne and I all received hand-sewn quilts from Nana and Pappy Pierce!

Christmas morning before they could go look under the tree, they got to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room and "Princess P" was not awake yet so she got to sleep through the first part.

This was at The Brown Christmas at Dean and Ashley's house in Mobile. The kids had the best time playing as did the adults, between ipads, Kindle Fire, and Wii....we all played a game or two.

Granny and my brothers

Our 3 in Christmas PJ's

Building Nanny's Gingerbread house, always a fun tradition!

At Nanny and Pops on Christmas, Saylor is in my old rocking chair.

Christmas at Mawmaw and Pawpaws! All the kids helped her open her gift from them, a portrait of all 5 kids together!

After a written clue was read to each kid they got to go find their gift! The boys got their first BB Guns! (minus the BB's for heavens sake! They will probably be 22 before I let them have ammunition that is not from NERF)
WE had such a great Christmas with each family and although it gets a little hectic, it could not have been better as far as getting to see everyone and enjoying our time together! We were blessed this year to be able to attend church on Christmas morning since it was on a Sunday.