Friday, May 28, 2010

Time out for two?

We got home from running errands yesterday and the boys had been asleep, they woke up and wanted to get in the pool so I started to change them. I went to make them some popcorn and juice and when I returned (2 minutes later) this is how I found them asleep! They slept just like this for about an hour.

They have been getting in trouble for opening the refrigerator and leaving the door open or getting into things. There is way too much opportunity for trouble and mess in the refrigerator. Joel said this morning, "we need to get a deadbolt for the fridge" and I defended them and said, No I think they just have to learn, they wont hurt anything....."

We can always make room for two in TIME OUT. I told them I had to take pictures to show Daddy so they didn't think I was proud. Now .... about that deadbolt!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Waiting on the beach

Summer is here, the temperatures make this clear
Next week to the beach our car will steer, in hopes that the waters will stay clear
These boys are ready to see the beach, that bright white sand that is soft as a peach.
Its definitely time to get some fresh air, mommy needs some sunshine before I pull out my hair!
Hudson in pen drew a portrait on the wall, Harrison and his blue marker covered it all
Sidewalk chalk on the wool rug and chair, red paint from the shovel on the car door, I swear.
Toes in the water, rear in the sand, sun on my face and a cold drink in my hand
Crabs to hunt and castles to build, memories to be made and hearts to be filled.
These days are passing slow, into the blow-up pool and backyard we go
We wait till the day its time to head south, uh-oh gotta run they have the scissors in their mouth!

(I don't know why all of this is underlined, blogger is acting crazy! Here are some pics from this week!)

Hudson trying to love on Harrison... the affection is not reciprocated.

Boys before church because ..... WE WERE READY EARLY!!!

Harrison likes to build right now, if Hudson comes within a 6 foot radius you will hear about it!

My boys LOVE to fish...they fish with everything, mostly pretend fishing poles but these pool toys catch some big ones!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I got my Baby Soup on!

We broke out the pool this week and have been in it everyday. It is so different from last year being able to just let them play and I can soak up the sun or scan a magazine. The best part to me is being able to bathe them and wash their hair in the pool before we dump it out each night, super easy and super fast. Joel has been working on his Summer Final paper for his doctorate and it is not fun for anyone...but only 3 more months. As soon as the boys are down @ 8ish he is in the office on the computer until after 10:00 usually. We get a quick conversation in before he drifts off. I am proud of him and its only temporary, he has a lot on his shoulders right now. Here are some great things I heard this week:

*Getting ready to go fill the pool up, Harrison says, "Momma where is your baby soup?" (bathing suit)

*Hudson playing with his water toy fishing pole, "fix my honk!" I say, " you mean your hook?" he assures
me, ", my honk!" (holding up his hook)

* My mom Skyping with Harrison, "Harrison Shaw, what are you doing?" Harrison replies, "No, I'm not
Grandma Shaw, I'm Harrison!" (my Granny's last name is Shaw it confuses him that they share it)

* Harrison, "I want to go to Nanniesburg!" Me, "Hattiesburg?!" Harrison, " Yeah, Nanniesburg"

* Me to Hudson, "Do you need to go tee tee?" Hudson, " No Ma'am" (this is the first time that he has said
this on his own and intentionally, made me proud)

Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fish Tale

Yesterday morning I was changing diapers and getting juice for them and Harrison stuck his hand down the back of his diaper (I know what you're thinking, but this is not a normal action for him so I looked at him in disbelief...). "I caught something!", he exclaimed! I thought "Oh no, please don't tell me..." and he pulled his hand out and said, "A big fish! I caught it with some worms!". Whew, he is really into fishing and will fish at any time in any given fishing hole, obviously! He always pulls out a pretend fish and says how big it is, this was a new fishing spot and it scared me, it was just too early to deal with any other "catches" out of the diaper. He is so imaginative I never know what he is going to come up with next!
Shortly after getting dressed, Mrs.Carol the Speech Therapist showed up for her visit. I thought it would be a funny conversation starter so I said, "Hey Harrison tell Mrs. Carol what you caught in your diaper this morning"....she looked at me like I was crazy, no worries I knew he was about to share his cute fishing story!
"A Poopie!!" he yells. AAAAAGHH, no no no no, "That is NOT what you caught Harrison!! You tell her what you caught with worms!!" he again says, "A Poopie!!", so then I continued to explain to her the cute fishing story which now is just a way to dig myself out of this cute story gone gross. Of course I don't think she found as cute and amusing as I did, but I think we always think our kids are much more cute and amusing than others right!?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day

A few reasons I love being these boys mommy:
  • I love to listen to them say grace or nighttime prayers, it is so pure and genuine *tear
  • I don't mind putting eyes and a mouth on their play-doh snakes
  • I love that when Hudson sits by me he puts his arm around my neck and kisses my head
  • I love that Harrison introduces himself and says "I'm Harrison and this is my brother Hudson" as he puts his arm over his shoulder.
  • I love that when they wake up from a nap or in the morning they expect me to be as excited as I would be if I hadn't seen them in a week (and I always am!)
  • I love that they ask me if I'm happy, we have been learning emotions.
I had such a great Mother's Day weekend, Joel surprised me with a dozen roses and a sweet card that said be ready to leave for the night at 3:00 on Friday! We went down to the coast for the night and met our good friends the Crager's. We had so much fun, ate good food, danced and only lost a small amount of money. (relative to what we used to go and lose before kids ;) The next day my mom met us in Gulfport with the boys and we went to the beach and the pier, just in case it is a long time before they can go back and play (oil spill). It was a great day! Here are some pictures from this week!
My guys on the beach in Gulfport

On the pier, a nice guy let them reel in a Flounder, it was awesome!

Hard Rock with my date

Courtney and Kyle Crager

The boys doing their sea life sponge animals, they LOVED this, great cheap activity!

They love sidewalk chalk "choks"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A love so strong it hurts!

  • Blankie - check
  • Max (Max and Ruby) - check
  • Pumpkin - check
  • No Bunny's Perfect Book - check
  • Put Me In the Zoo Book - check
  • Cowboy Hat - check
  • Milk - check
Being a Mommy to these two precious, sweet, funny and smart boys.....PRICELESS!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day in the Park

This could be a stepping stone (I hope!) or just a milestone.... but along with my best running buddy of 14 years Kimberly,we ran our first 5k... ok so we haven't ran together in 10 years since our Soccer State Championship in 2000. We didn't train we just went for it and we did ok. Except for walking while we tried to drink our water we ran the entire way. It was so fun to have so many friends running in it, we were the only amateurs in our group. Out of our little group, four one awards for their time. Congrats to Courtney, Kim, Kelsey, and Peyton!! Some things I noticed on this 5k....
  • Age is NOT a factor the 2 fastest men were 17 and 60 something.
  • Pacing means everything and stride length is what will get you to the finish faster.
  • I cannot swallow in mid-run it just wont work, I kept having to just spit the water out because it wouldn't go down....who knew?!
  • Hudson and Harrison need more prepping, they thought I was going to run away, they screamed and cried when we lined up to start, it was traumatizing for us both.
  • A cheap race shirt is reason enough to run till you can't breathe, get in survival mode and talk each other through the final leg of the race like we are on the Amazing Race, keep talking yourself out of stopping to puke, and most of all... accomplishing a goal you set for yourself with a best friend and having your babies and husband cheer you on!
The weather could not have been worse on my lungs hot, heavy, and muggy air. I am looking forward to trying one in dryer conditions. We went to the Crager's afterward and had a fun day of crawfish and fun.....GREAT weekend!!

Pre-race, a little nervous

Getting ready to start, Hudson was not letting me get too far away.

This is a piece of what we ran through, downtown Laurel is a treasure and the scenery was beautiful!

After the boys calmed down they were worn out and it was only 8:00 am!

At the finish, we did it!

Here are the boys at BOP's eating Dirt n' Worms...we had to really explain it wasn't dirt and no the worms don't bite... they are so funny.