Sunday, January 5, 2014

Super Stacker

We had a fun first few weeks of the Christmas season and did some usual traditions. I say it every year but each Christmas is more fun with the kids getting older and into the whole Christmas story.
Our Sunday School class got to ride in our teacher's Wagon in the Laurel and Ellisville parades. It was probably the coldest day on record for December but that is what makes it memorable.

These two are bff's and I had to document how they sleep inside. They have tried to both fit in the crate together but there is just too many legs.

I got to hold two new blessings on the same day, Avery Eavenson (right) and Russ Moore (left) they were both just perfect :)

Harrison had a great surprise for us, he came home with this trophy and a letter from school one day. He won the "Fastest Stacker" award for the whole West Jones Elementary Kindergarten. Out of 170 students! We had NO idea this was even going on much less that he was a pro! 

Santa made a special visit to Nanny's house one night and Harrison told him he wanted Battroborg, a bow and arrow, and a robot dinosaur.

Liam told him he wanted Battroborg and high-count Lego sets.

Hudson asked for  a new bike, a bow and arrow, and a fishing pole.

Saylor didn't want to talk to Santa but as he was leaving out the door she yelled (in what sounds like baby spanglish) "A bebe y cahseat y strollah!" (a baby, with a carseat and stroller)

Lolli and Mercy, cousins

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