Thursday, December 31, 2009

This time 10 years ago I was worried about Y2K!

This time 10 years ago, it was my senior year and I remember exactly where I was and that we weren't really sure if the world was about to end or not. Y2K was a REAL concern! Fast forwarding through some of the best times of my life through the height of patriotism in 2001, my college years, being broke as a joke picking up extra shifts to make rent, meeting my husband, getting him through PT school, watching friends get married, me getting married, buying a house, having a baby (x2) and we are. What a great 10-year span I must say. This last year was probably the most ..... sweet and sour? Right now I only want to dredge up the sweet so here is my Top 10 for 2009!

10. Harrison started walking at 15 months!! (Jan) [Hudson started at 12 mos.]
9. We got a new puppy! Charlie Brown Pierce (Feb)
8. Joel heads back to school for his doctorate!
7. Boys start talking and can communicate!
6. I started a successful cupcake business (had to stop due to time restraints)
5. My brother Jason and his wife have a successful year with their businesses! (furniture and home inspections)
4. Our parents and siblings and their families are healthy and happy and prosperous!
3. Our baby boys turned 2, such miracles!
2. Joel's Mom, Aunt and Step mom all survive breast cancer!!
1. We are healthy and employed!!

We salute you 09 but I'm happy to send you on your way.... we have a lot to look forward too, a brand new day!
I pray God guides us and His will be done, it will be what we make of it and I hope it's fun.
We hope for more good memories made and that Joel stays employed so we keep getting paid.
Two boys need training for the potty this to get there is not yet clear!
So goodbye 09 it's been real! Now for 2010 we might have a deal!

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