This is what I heard my Harrison saying as he was counting wooden rings today....he went all the way to 10!! I was beyond shocked, we have been working on 15-20 in English. I have NEVER counted to 10 in Spanish for him so I immediately started asking who taught him this... All I can assume is Dora Dora Dora the Explorer!! SO THERE to all you TV for Toddler critics!!
Hudson is dancing his life away....he dances to EVERYTHING. When I'm not giving him all of my attention, he will say "Mamma watch!" and bust into the cha-cha. Its adorable and it always makes me laugh.
Today all the neighborhood kids were in my backyard playing on our swingset, the kids were all cackling and laughing, taking turns going down the slide in a new funny way. Country music was coming through our new outdoor speakers, as the Dad's (including Joel) pulled in from work they all walked over and we watched the kids play, we laughed and talked about the summer. THIS is what it's all about, life is great and we are good place :)

Charlie's new prized possession, a turtle shell he found down by the water