One of our favorite outside activities is to walk down the street in our neighborhood and see the horses. We will bring graham crackers to feed them and the boys have NO fear. I did not grow up around animals besides dogs and the occasional ferret so I have a great respect for these beautiful things. Joel goes with us but he has to stand back about 10 feet, if he just looks at them he starts sneezing. It just seems if they wanted to come right over (or through) that fence it would be no problem. I'm glad they get to see them and pet them, they love them and call them by name. Here is what it looks like.
Harrison has no fear (of pretty much anything)

This keeps us on our toes!

Hudson LOVES his "hawsey"
They climb up and say "here hawsies!!" and kiss their lips and those things come galloping (so fast) down the hill!
How cute are they?! I can't believe how fearless Harrison is.