I haven't been very good and taking pictures these past two weeks. I'm getting bigger (huge according to recent snapshots I have seen...ugh, those have been omitted from blog options) and more forgetful it seems. This past weekend we were surrounded by family and beautiful weather both days, it was great. Saturday, my brother and his family from Mobile drove up to boil crawfish, both sides of our families came for that, it was actually so nice and relaxing. Joel burned his toes with boiling water through his tennis shoes :( The next day Joel's brother and dad's families came up to eat. They brought the kids Easter happy's.

Kali, Harrison and Hudson

The guys intently watching the basketball game.......

Joel and my brother, Dean

This quilt was made for Saylor by Nana Pierce, it is so pretty and is such a keepsake.
Mornings have been like pulling teeth with getting myself ready and two sleepy head 3 year olds. Today after wrestling and arguing over who gets dressed first, or who can dress themselves first or who has to get out of the bed first, I told them to go find their shoes by the kitchen. I heard cackling laughing and doors slamming and dreaded the walk to the kitchen to see what was going on. They had "accidentally" spilled (dumped) the box of Nesquick powdered chocolate on the kitchen floor, on their clothes, faces, hair and was pushing it around with the broom. We were already late and I just wanted to say forget it and raise my white flag. BUT they had a field trip to the hospital to the Well-Baby Clinic for baby dolls and stuffed animals and I didn't want them to miss it. SO (my mom will shake here head at this point) I didn't even wipe them off or change them I just sent them to the car. I swept the chocolate into a pile and left. I was in tears of guilt and stress but by lunch I could crack a little (tiny) smile about it.

Nurse Harrison with his baby named Spider-Man, he had a hospital bracelet on and came with all of his stats, weight, blood pressure, height etc.

Nurse Hudson with Thomas the Easter Bunny, they had so much fun taking care of their babies and I think it was good for them to see that you can go to the doctor and not get hurt :)

Good thing you can't see their dirty shirts up close ;)