This has been a great week at preschool, the boys have been singing sweet songs all week and have traced their name! This morning while getting dressed Hudson said, "Momma! Today is the 19!" He knew the date! I didn't even know the date! They have gone without TV a few nights this week as punishment for testing my limits... and it was so nice and peaceful. Today, ugh... Harrison locked the door as I was putting Saylor in the car (thank goodness she was not in the house!) so we were locked out. Locked out and inside was my phone, my purse, Saylor's bottle, and more importantly my coffee! Panic started to set in because we have no spare key. I dropped the boys off and went to Joel's work (in my partial pj's). I got his phone and had planned on heading straight to WalMart to buy a bottle and formula because it was time for baby to eat. My mom was trying to teach me how to break the window safely over the phone. Long story short...locksmith was on the way, Joel left work and came home and popped door open with credit card :)

We went to visit with Pappy and Nana Pierce last weekend and celebrated Nana Pierce's birthday. I tried to get a picture of the birthday girl but she was camera shy ;)

Uncle Matthew and Aunt Julia....they just celebrated 10 years!

Lookout...Joel bought a gun and can't shoot the target yet! :/

Aren't these cousins the cutest kids!?

Playing with Saylor

After a long afternoon with two "defiant" 3 year olds, I can't find them in the house and I hear screaming and this is what I see out the window.... boys...

These were the Smurfs they got in their happy meals this week and I had to laugh, they are so appropriate for each boy...I won't say who got who but the grandparents will know right off! haha!

She is starting to grow some hair!!