Friday, April 20, 2012


The boys played their first team sport this season and it was a success! Harrison loved it, you might find him doing super-hero moves on the field, playing in the dirt or swinging on the goal but he was pretty good and cried when i told him it was over. Hudson liked it, he was really good but I think he doesn't like all the attention and yelling when he's on the field or maybe it's the competition that he doesn't care for, he was ok with soccer being over. The Blue Jays had a season ending party at Eatza Pizza and everyone got a medal! Hudson couldn't go because he had a fever but Harrison brought him his medal and a toy he won. They had a great team of sweet boys and two great coaches, coach Kyle ("uncle Kyle" Harrison would call him sometimes) and coach Beau. I have to say I loved watching them play, I this is just a taste if what's to come I'm going to be the ultimate soccer mom!