Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Last week at a meeting I was attending our chaplain (an Episcopalian Priests wife) explained Lent to those who did not understand it. As a former Methodist I really like Lent and all the special meaning that goes along with it. She made a point that I never thought of; during those 40 days you are to strengthen your relationship with the Lord and take out what is distracting you from Him, whether that be a vice or something that keeps you from being your best. Without even taking the time to think, "hmm what could that be?" God elbowed me and I knew....Facebook. When I am sitting with the kids or cooking or anything that requires me to sit and not do anything I pull out my phone and check up on what everyone is up to on FB. Maybe its a problem I don't know, but I do know it is a major distraction from LIFE. I don't want my kids to remember me as always having my phone in my face. So I'm feeling convicted to stay off of FB for the Lenten Season and focus on being my best, a wife and mother (among other roles but those are at the top!). We are so blessed with health (of our children and our parents) jobs, family, friends, a great church family and each other that sometimes I think I'm (we) are not grateful enough. I might die of social shortcomings, be left out of all the tornado pics and updates, all my friends kids achievements, small talk, and the latest fashions on my nightly sales but that's OK. I tend to carry the burden of worries of people on FB and feel the urge to buy something so maybe this will be freedom from those bonds! It will be interesting....or probably not interesting since I won't know a thing that is going on but there is no turning back, I even decided to really think it over for a few days and my inner voice hasn't wavered. So, if something major happens shoot me a text :)

PS. I want to wish my precious big brother, Dean Brown an extra special Happy Birthday!! He is on an awesome trip skiing right now (imagine that!) but I hope this year is amazing, I love you so much and am so proud of you! I'm trying to catch up on posts, this is #2 for the day, excuse all the thoughts at one time.


  1. I have been SO convicted about FB lately, and I am doing the same thing for Lent!! Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. I have been SO convicted about this over the past couple of days!! It's definitely turned into a problem for me:/ Your post is another conviction, so I'll take that as a sign...
