Friday, February 1, 2013

Guns and Glory

This past week was busy busy....we started it out with the greatest blessing Joel and I were baptized together Sunday night. That testimony is a whole other post but it was special and the boys were their to see and other family members. Here is the summary in pictures, my favorite way to blog!

This is unposed, they love when she will walk into church and they take her where she needs to go.

Here we are at the doctor and we thought she was getting her cast off for good! But they said her little arm wasn't ready so she got a new cast and off we went. They were out of pink and asked me what color and I thought "there is no other option besides pink!!" So I looked at her dress and said RED! It's fine but it doesn't go with much :/

This my my new Peter's Pottery collection! I sold our elliptical and the money was burning a hole! I have wanted to "re-do" my serving pieces from when we got married. I'm sorry but at the ripe age of 23 you do not know what you are going to like or use in 8 years! So I have started over, now this is all I want for a couple of years so I can build it up. It was like Christmas!

The boys had their k-4 chapel program "Bullfrogs and Butterflies" this week. It was so cute!! Hudson was a fish and Harrison was a "Boogie Woogie Bear" here are the 3 amigos, Harrison, Christopher and Hudson. 

Mawmaw brought her video recorder because they love to watch and re-watch themselves.

Here is the fam, Saylor was over it and wanted Mawmaw, I love this picture.

Here is Joel adding up his score at our Concealed Carry course, he got 82%

Jason was awesome, he scored a 93% which was the highest! He was also my coach and a huge help, the first time I tried I was so nervous and scared and anxious I thought I was going to hyperventilate I only scored a 58% (you have to have a 70% to qualify) so the next time the pressure was on and I shot a 78% and got "most improved" :)

Here we are after we graduated, it was incredibly cold and the longest day I have ever left our babies with someone other than grandparents and I was ready to run home! I was exhausted but felt very accomplished :)

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome thing to be baptized together!! I feel the SAME way about all my serving stuff from when we got married. At 24, I had NO clue what I liked, & I hate all the Wilton Armetale stuff I have (I just had to go to to see what it was called;))That's a good idea. I need to start asking for it for birthdays & Christmas. I'm envious of people who just got married & had "pottery" showers!!
