Saturday, April 13, 2013

The First Lost Tooth!

Harrison's two bottom teeth have been wiggly for awhile now and of course from the moment of the first movement I thought it was about to fall out :) Joel kept saying, "its got a long way to go before it comes out!". So Tuesday night Harrison said it was really loose and he wanted me to try to pull it with his Disney toy that spins (his idea) so we got the floss and tied it to the spinning arm and when I went to dry his tooth off to tie the floss to it....that sucker just came on out in the tissue! I squealed and everyone else started screaming! I thought Huddy was going to pass out.

We got tons of pictures!

This sweet thing couldn't stand all the attention that wasn't focused on him, so while I'm taking the "after" pics of Harrison, he ran and got his bean plant from school and said, "will you please take a picture of me and plant I grew and send it out?" :)

So I pulled out the tooth fairy pillow I bought last summer....

And she came and gave him a bonus for his first tooth with this sparkly $10 bill! (The boys actually woke up at 1:00 am and ran in our room to tell us the tooth fairy came, we said "Good and Great, Go back to bed!" and as Joel was about to leave for work at 5:00 am he heard talking coming from their room... he went and checked and they were in there just talking and playing. They had been awake since 1!! They were zombies the next day :/)

Say loves her babies.

Planting our garden.... NOTE: I have never planted a garden in my life much less anything from a seed, I did the best I could and Joel made fun of my mounds....therefore he is now in charge of planting the other one.

We went to eat Mi Casitas with Pappy and Nana Pierce

These were so excited to ride this around Lowe's, they are going to be real disappointed next time they go with just me :/   Nope.

Granny Shaw got to come watch the Pierce Boys play baseball today, she couldn't get over how the players would hit home plate with their bat before they would swing, she said they act so big but they are all so small.

Nanny sent each kiddo a card, a dollar and a picture since Harrison lost his tooth....I try to keep everything pretty equal around here but she is serious about it, makes everyone feel just as special :)

1 comment:

  1. DANG!!! $10!!! Ya'lls tooth fairy don't play around! Love Judy keeping things fair and square around there!
