We live out in the country in Jones County, well it's country to me. There is all kinds of animals out here that people who are raised in the country take for granted. Such as horses, cows, chickens, goats and one of the farmers down the street just got a sloo of bees! We always pass the cows in the fields coming to or from our house and Hudson has always started barking at them. "Arf! Arf! Arf!" I always say nooo those are cows and they say "Moooo!". Well today on our way home Charlie and Harrison were sound asleep and I assumed Huddy was too when from behind me I heard "mmmmmm!" and he was pointing to the cows! Holy Cow (no pun intended) I thought, he finally got it! I corrected the "mmmm" to an "moooo" and by the next field which was by our house he was a mooooer!
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