Welcome to our new blog! I was talking to Joel about it and I decided we needed to have a blog for a few reasons...
1. We have so many funny "moments" and I want to log them somewhere so we can look back and laugh!
2. We have so many not-so-funny-to-me "moments" where maybe other people can look back and laugh!
3. This is a great way for us to share pictures etc. with family and friends.
4. Not that I have a whole lot of extra time, but this is so important that I WILL make time to post things.
I decided that I will try to update on Sunday and Wednesday nights before bed. The reason I chose "puppy dog tails" as our title is probably obvious, not only do we have a lot of boys in this house but they are boys to the bone and this nursery rhyme I thought was very appropriate!
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails and puppy dog tails
That is what little boys are made of!
So here are my four "puppydog tails" :
Harrison - first born twin, blonde, very independent, loves to play with trucks and read books (over and over) often prefers to play alone and is "expressive" about his feelings whether that be happy, mad or hungry :)
Hudson - brunette, the social butterfly, he loves to play with tools and balls. He prefers to play with others. He is "selective" with his food. He loves to give the "just because" kiss and hug.
Charlie - our new white lab puppy, he has been pretty good so far, although he has chewed the corner off of one of our columns on our back porch...
Joel - our cornerstone to this family, he works and works and never complains. He is my best friend and my partner in this wild party.
I was reading and article in Parents magazine that said you are not supposed to label your children "picky eater", "fussy or whiny", "hard-headed" etc. So I am trying to use more descriptive and PC words :) I will have to update you this weekend we have our neice Kali's 3rd birthday on Sunday!! Her birthday is not only significant in that she was the first baby on Joel's side of the family and such a sweet and smart girl! We found out we were having not 1 but 2 on her 1st birthday two years ago...that day was kind of an out-of-body experience, but anywho. We are looking forward to this weekend, the weather is fantastic!!
What a great idea manda pants! Looks great!
Again, I think you are amazing! This is adorable and I will enjoy watching your precious family and especially those cutie-pie boys as they grow! Maybe time for another... a playmate for the little Moore babe... just a thought! :)
Honey you don't pay no attention to Mrs. Sally's ramblings!! Unless you are gonna get a little girl.