Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Honey-Do's are getting checked off!

I just wanted to share some new things around the Pierce place recently. We sold all of our living room furniture on Craigslist.com in May sometime and ordered a new set from Jason and Shelley. We wanted some more motion furniture and we went for comfort this time around, not to mention it is a great looking set! Here is the pic of the new furniture!

We also are in the process of painting our mantle, it was a golden oak and we (okay okay I!) wanted to brighten up the room a little and make it more modern so we are painting it the color of our trim. We thought about whitewashing the brick, but are too amateur!

Lastly, I went by Hudson's Treasure Hunt today and picked up some outdoor cushions to spruce up the porch and I was really excited about how they looked!

And this is Charlie showing me he brought back the beaver I said to fetch...Good Boy!

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