Here are some snapshots from our week!
The many faces of Harrison, if you know him you would know that he has the most hilarious facial expressions and to the extreme! This is what we sing to brush our teeth:
Brush-brush, brush-brush,
Ev'ry tooth, No need to rush!
Brush them ev'ry night until they're briiiiiight...
And then SPIT...and that's it!

His poor old tattered blankie, he loves it and it shows :)

My little fireman went on a date with me to the grocery store and we both loved it, he kept hugging me while riding in the buggy, I think it was nice he didn't have anyone to fight over the seat with ;)

My friends and I had a bridal shower for our dear friend Carolyn this weekend, it was so fulfilling to see and hug and laugh with everyone!
We are going to have to try the toothbrush song!! We always have a battle over when we are finished brushing our teeth!!