- I love to listen to them say grace or nighttime prayers, it is so pure and genuine *tear
- I don't mind putting eyes and a mouth on their play-doh snakes
- I love that when Hudson sits by me he puts his arm around my neck and kisses my head
- I love that Harrison introduces himself and says "I'm Harrison and this is my brother Hudson" as he puts his arm over his shoulder.
- I love that when they wake up from a nap or in the morning they expect me to be as excited as I would be if I hadn't seen them in a week (and I always am!)
- I love that they ask me if I'm happy, we have been learning emotions.
I had such a great Mother's Day weekend, Joel surprised me with a dozen roses and a sweet card that said be ready to leave for the night at 3:00 on Friday! We went down to the coast for the night and met our good friends the Crager's. We had so much fun, ate good food, danced and only lost a small amount of money. (relative to what we used to go and lose before kids ;) The next day my mom met us in Gulfport with the boys and we went to the beach and the pier, just in case it is a long time before they can go back and play (oil spill). It was a great day! Here are some pictures from this week!

My guys on the beach in Gulfport
On the pier, a nice guy let them reel in a Flounder, it was awesome!
Hard Rock with my date
Courtney and Kyle Crager
The boys doing their sea life sponge animals, they LOVED this, great cheap activity!
They love sidewalk chalk "choks"
Fun times! Really sweet post :)