Funny and sweet things the boys have recently said:
* while tucking them in one night I was telling Harrison how proud we were of him and how smart he is and I said, "you can be anything you want to be when you grow-up" and he said in a very serious and over worked tone, "well I'm still trying to be a doctor, Mommy!" like he is fed up with it.
* I was laying on the couch and Hudson came up and hugged on me and patted my back and said, "I love you my princess".
* The boys went to the nursing home on a field trip and when I picked them up Harrison said (very seriously again) "Momma there was a lot of grandmas and grandpas and one of the grandpas was asleep sitting straight up in his chair, like this (and he modeled the "sitting up asleep grandpa")" it was hilarious.
* Hudson asked me today, "where is my tummy potty?" I asked him what about 5 times before I realized he was asking where his Silly Putty was....I guess putty is a new word that is too close to potty. ha!
*I was explaining their baptism and how Saylor is going to get baptized soon. They had a lot of questions and I summed it up by saying, "That is when we dedicated you to God". Harrison thought for a minute and said, "and you dedicated us to Santa Claus?"
*While in the car on the way home, they had just gotten scolded for yelling and play fighting in the car after a minute of silence Hudson said in a low voice, "Ugh I'm tired of this, I need to get off the road so I can tee tee in the grass"....I had to chuckle to myself.

She loves the toys that hang from the bouncer or carseat.

Miss Southern 2029

They are totally into playing games right now...

Of the electronic type... we are going to have to start limiting it because its getting excessive!

This is the typical scene when I leave them unsupervised for too long....running, jumping and fighting monsters! Happy Friday!!
"I love you my princess." *Heart melting. Love that they can look back one day and read their cute little sayings!!
ReplyDeleteMindi K. (my google account is apparently messed up today!)
How precious! Jackson also loves the electronic games.
ReplyDeleteTHis is sooo funny! Thanks for sharing. It brightened my morning :) Saylor is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAw I loved this blog! And...the obsession with electronics(IPAD). Its bad at our house too. I really worry about it!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post:)