I let all our fun pile up on me so I emptied my camera and here is what we did this weekend!

Shot leftover fireworks

Had fun with my camera and sparklers!

Superman flew inside every time a firework was being lit...even sparklers.

Mawmaw and Saylor caught up on each others new news.

We went to the Carroll Family Reunion and this year they had karaoke! These boys sang You Are My Sunshine like they get on the mic everyday... it was funny.

Uncle J made a short appearance

Nanny and Pop enjoyed visiting

Joel fixed Granny's camera

My sweet Granny Shaw

Then we went here...my Aunt and Uncle's

The boys fished, rode the golf cart, ate watermelon, and played Tug-o-War.

Liam and Harrison won!

I heard Saylor waking up and fussing after a nap and then she stopped and I thought Joel had got her, I went in to check on things about 10 minutes later and this is what I found....He climbed in and gave her a pacifier and was talking to her :)

Today I let them watch How To Train Your Dragon on the ipad in their bed...gave me a chance to fold some clothes!
Frame the pic of Hudson and Saylor in the bed! That is priceless!