This is the "peak " of summer, it seems after the fourth of July everyone wants to hurry through the heat and work on school and getting ready for football season! Here is what we have been doing to stay cool!

Using the slide that Lucy and Grayson so kindly handed down to us!

They get creative and make different ways to slide down, we put soap on it to make it faster....yes it's a wonder we have not had broken bones yet, they are fearless.

She didn't participate but she wanted to be festive :)

Mrs.Courtney and Saylor, its a team effort around here!

Collin's 4th mini-birthday!

Here is Addyson and Saylor, Addy is 5 weeks old and Saylor was 9 weeks!

Spider man gummy finger puppets! Their favorite treat!

We have left out our furry friend a lot lately with a new baby and we got him a cool bed to lay on outside. Its a Koolaroo dog bed, the boys help me put it together and we surprised Charlie!

My strong boys delivering the new bed!

aaaaand this is as close as he got....couldn't even pose for a picture on it. I hope he eventually figures out that its better than laying on the ground!
I have been looking at those beds for years and never bought Sadie one! Let me know if Charlie likes it!