He just got home from seeing patients and just wanted to rest for a second.....SURPRISE!!
2 Snips and 2 snails and 2 puppy dog tails....and now a little sugar and spice and everything nice thats what our little ones are made of!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Joel and Amanda plus 3 !!
We are expecting!! It is a singleton this time and is due May 12th! As much fun as my TWO are I am extremely excited it will only be one. I told Joel I just want to carry it around everywhere I go and hold it all the time. The boys will be a little over 2 1/2 when he or she is born. It might be a little more crazy for a while but it will be fun. We have always wanted 3 kiddos so this should one should wrap it up! I found out on September 5th (Joel's mom's bday) which is 2 days before his birthday so I had the boys bring him an early present in a bag....I could hardly wait to see his reaction, it was a little of a surprise....no accident just a surprise!! We told both of our families with cupcakes, Joel just opened the box to let them get one out.... some caught on fast and some not so fast!!! (I probably aged 10 years during both of those experiences...whew) I will be 8 weeks Wednesday, we pray for a non-eventful pregnancy and a healthy baby!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
It has been raining for almost a week now, which I don't mind we needed it! However staying inside with two toddlers will make one get creative with new play ideas. We re-organized their playroom and went through old toys to go in the garage sale pile. Just organizing all like toys has made old toys new again! We were drowning in toys they were in every room so I decided to consolidate and have toys in two rooms now. The upstairs playroom is now manageable and they LOVE to go upstairs and play which is great because if it is messy I don't feel like I have to pick it up 10 times a day! Here is what we did this morning, went to see the horses but they weren't around but they climbed the fence anyway.

Harrison is doing great with his "Peas!" and "Thanks!" and Hudson is saying "Mease" and "Cue" for please and thank you, at least they are saying them without being cued that's a start!
I should have taken a "before" pic for this to truly be appreciated!
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Boys Debut at THE ROCK!
We had to pry the football away from Harrison to give it back to Josh and Brook!
Joel said it wouldn't happen but the Pierce boys made it to a game inside the Rock on Saturday and loved it!! No tears, no running away, no throwing items just smiles and cheers! We celebrated my sweet mama's birthday during the day and went to tailgate that afternoon. We had a great time, threw the football with the boys, saw a lot of friends and family and at the last minute decided to go to the game. We left at half time and drove home. My only complaint...carrying Harrison from the stadium to the tent and then to the car at Southern Cleaners that was a little too much. Good times were had by all!

So what if our football boy watched the game with his passy and blankie in hand... he was right where he wanted to be!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Football Helmets and Baby Dolls!
The boys have always been interested in babies (real or doll) not to play with but to kiss and watch. So I thought they needed a baby doll to learn to hold and be nice to a baby. I went to Dollar Tree and got a green and a blue doll and two bottles with juice....I got to thinking while I was in there that this was overly feminine so to counter act that I picked up two Knight's Helmets which we will be calling football helmets. They were all a hit!! They wore their football helmets and fed the babies the bottles! It's good sensitivity training for them with a dash of football.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Daddy's Birthday!!
Yesterday was Joel's Birthday!! We celebrated at our house Saturday night with his Dad and Annette, Sunday with his Mom, Ronnie, Matthew, Julia and girls, and finally Monday at my parents house! His mom's (Mawmaw) birthday was on Saturday! In our family we call these months Sept, Oct. and Nov. "Birthday Alley" because we have so many to celebrate (no complaints!!) He deserves a birthday month but says it just feels like another day. Joel you are such a good Daddy and Husband we love you so much!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! From ALL of us ;)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
23 months...yesterday!
These little stinkers were 23 months old yesterday! I noticed when I went to check on them before going to bed that they looked so tall laying down, I also noticed that Hudson once again took his shorts and diaper off....his hiney was shining. Here are some recent pics of the boys. Harrison wants to wear gloves (any style, material, size) when he holds his football to throw it, so here he is with his latex football gloves. Hey, we do what we can around here to keep this everyone stable! Charlie went to the new Southern Pines Spay and Neuter Clinic last week and got "fixed". Sorry Char Char! I highly recommend that clinic! He is 8 mos old and weighs 60 pounds, will he get bigger or is he at his adult size? We are going outside a lot now that our new fence is finally up, we all enjoy the new space! We have a busy weekend ahead with HS school football (Laurel vs. Oak Grove) Joel is working this weekend, Southern plays Alcorn St in their first game, we are meeting Pappy and Nana Pierce to eat and also having everyone over to celebrate Daddy's and Mawmaw's Birthday....it will be a fun weekend. SMTTT!!!
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