Sunday, April 18, 2010


The boys went with Mawmaw, Pawpaw and Aunt Martha on Friday night to the Covington County Relay for Life event. They go with them to this every year, but this year was special...Mrs.Linda and Aunt Martha made the victory lap with the SURVIVORS; whom both fought and won against breast cancer in 2009. They both had a double mastectomy and Aunt Martha had Chemo. It was a hard year for both of them. We are thankful to have them both with us and for the special moments. 2010 is going to be a better year and we pray for them to remain cancer-free!!

Aunt Julia and the girls went Friday night as well and they told me that after the National Anthem was sung or the prayer was said and it was quiet....Harrison turned around and said, "I tooted!".....aaaaah boys.

Here a few pics from today:

Liam and Nanny came to play! Liam calls the boys "my twins" and refers to them as Harryhuddy, in singular form, its cute :)

We are trying to teach them how to pump their legs when they swing...

Somebody got in Time-Out today for pouring out the Motrin bottle on the Wool rug and making a mess at lunch....big mess!

My handsome guys before church :)


  1. How adorable they are! especially in that last pic :) So cute! So, they can open medicine bottles??? Yikes!

  2. OMG! That's how Joel stands with his hands in his pockets. Those little boys are becoming BIG boys now:( They grow WAY too quick!!!

  3. Reid is becoming a HUGE handful...I still can't believe you have two! They are too cute!! I love the church outfits!

  4. Aw:) Jackson saw the pics and started talking about Hudson-something about jumping and the "sand crab" (aka sandbox). They look adorable!

  5. What a precious post! I love it! I had to laugh a little tho... sorry. And the church outfits are too precious!

  6. Okay so I definitely laughed out loud on the time out picture. They look like little men going to church!
