Monday, August 9, 2010

and when can I retire??

I know that state retirement is supposed to be the icing on the cake with this teaching deal....that's great and all but 24 more (I have 1 year under my belt) years is a hard pill for me to swallow right now. I am going to have to take it one day at a time for now. My 106 students had their first day today. It was interesting, a little chaotic and I acted like I knew EXACTLY what I was doing....hahaha!! I have to say I have some major respect for working moms! I was so tired, had a pounding headache and was still processing my career on the ride home and Harrison was already talking about everything he wanted us to do when we got home....whew!

On a side note I have a lot of back-blogging to catch up on.... here are some recent pictures!

My three boys made waffles for us for breakfast this weekend, they love to help cook!

We saw our very good friends the Theobald's too, sweet Emma and the boys had a great time together. I am so mad I didn't get any pictures of Porter, he is Brooke made over!!

The kids looking into the gulf from a pier in Gulfport.

Going back to the motherly guilt of working....Charlie is benefiting too, it's the biggest bone I could find, he was a little overwhelmed.

Nanny, Harrison and Hudson going to Target....I love these times!


  1. I completely forgot about school! Good luck!! I will keep you in my prayers this week:)

  2. I PROMISE it will get better. You will look back on this post in November and be shocked at how quickly it went by. I bet you are a wonderful teacher tho :)
