Friday, August 27, 2010


Shhh! We're hiding from Daddy, he's almost home from work.

Surprise!! Guess who is who!?

They love him so much!!

We stayed home today for the first time since school started because Hudson (and probably Harrison) have Strep throat. I was really conflicted with staying at home because I was giving my first test today and have been preparing for two weeks! I am glad I did though, we had a lot of fun today! At my house, one would have to have a fever or be unable to walk to be too sick not to make a quick trip to Dirt Cheap on a day off!! We arrived after they had just put out Halloween everything and came home to transform into Spiderman ("Speedy" as Harrison would say) for the day. It was so funny, they took it very seriously. It's amazing to me how boys just know who a character is, we have NEVER seen anything related to Spider Man yet they love him as much as Buzz Lightyear or Mickey Mouse!

Practicing with scissors today

"J" is for Joel, Judy, Jason, Julia and Jackson!

Ice Cream Break!

On a side note... on this weekend 5 years ago Joel and I had been back from our honeymoon for a week and were still getting settled in and unwrapping wedding gifts. We had NO IDEA that Katrina would rock our region the way it did. It felt like 150 degrees outside, we stayed with my parents so that we could all sleep under a fan with the generator running, no A/C, no running water, no gasoline! I could write 10 pages on this subject just as anyone who was around this area could. I just know this....I am thankful I didn't have children at that time for their own sake. That was the bottom of the barrel for all of us. I am thankful for my A/C and running water. My parents always referred to Camille as "the storm", but to my generation now Katrina is "the storm".

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this post! So so sweet :)Hope the boys feel better soon!
