Our sweet babies are turning three tomorrow! This always seemed so far away and it has come in the blink of an eye. The laughter, tears and surprise didn't stop the day we found out that there were two! The entire pregnancy was exciting and eventful and on Tuesday October 2, 2007, at 35 weeks, I went to the hospital at 4am because I thought I was having an allergic reaction. I was expecting some meds and sent back home to rest. Joel went to work and my mom went with me. The nurse said, "these babies have to come out in the next hour!" and after a whirlwind, finding Joel, taking the quickest shower ever, and the locating the doctor... we had two baby boys. Harrison was 6.5 lbs and Hudson was 4.12 lbs, they were perfect, they didn't need the NICU and came right into the room with us! We were told my whole pregnancy that they were identical and we even had to get their hospital hats monogrammed to tell them apart (besides their size!). After 3 days they told us their blood types were different which meant they were fraternal! Now, that is more than obvious!

You are our sweet and genuine boy. You have the memory of an elephant and can remember things from more than a year ago. Your laugh is infectious, it comes from the bottom of your belly and anyone who is around to hear can't contain the urge to join! Your eyes hold all of your emotions, they are so true and full of wonder. You are sensitive and emotional at times, which only shows the big heart you have and you worry about things that we "forget" to be concerned about. Your need for perfection tells us that you will be determined in your goals and dreams for yourself. We are so proud of the little boy you have turned into. I love when you put your head on my leg and look up and say, "I love you Mommy", nothing makes me feel so right! You love your Huddy and he can tease you and push you to the edge but you always like to have him by your side. The things you say make us roll and I hope your sense of curiosity and awareness continues to blossom! We love you little guy!

You are a permanent smile! You stay so busy all the time, working, playing, running and discovering. You are a playful little boy, you like to play tricks and do funny things to make people laugh. You always follow my directions very well and get frustrated if you can't do something on your own. This shows us your independence and determination to finish. You will always take time out to sit in my lap and say, " I love you momma" or "I'm happy! You happy momma?" and when we get in the car in the mornings you are my weather man and you will either report "It's a sun shiny day!" or "It's a cloudy day!". You count the horses every time we leave or return and report on how many and what they were doing, you have such a love for animals. You also love to say your prayers at dinner and at bedtime, we only hope your love for the Lord will continue to grow. You are my boy that I can reason with and is always backing me up and looking out for me. Thank you Superhuddy, I need all I can get! I especially love when something is broken or needs batteries and you say, "Daddy can fix it, Daddy can fix anything!". We love you snuggle bug and can't wait to see what wonderful young men you and your brother grow into.
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Amanda this is simply beautiful. I have tears in my eyes just sitting here reading it. And, my goodness, those boys are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWow! This was precious.
ReplyDeleteI love this! And, yes, I cried. Love those kids and you so much.