The boys had a little birthday party at Planet Gymnastics this past weekend. They turn 4 on October 2nd. It was a fun party, some great friends came and they LOVED their presents.

They slid...

and jumped...that is why my pictures are not very good, they didn't STOP moving the entire time!

Jackson taking a breather...not for long!

Look who came...Anderson and Benson!

Porter even ran around and explored....Brooke didn't stop moving either :)

Maggie's Daddy (and Harrison and Hudson's Daddy) might have had more fun than the kids, I'm sure they needed some ibuprofen the next day, I HATE I didn't catch the flips they "tried" on camera!

Collin and Hudson, old buddies


He sticks his tongue out when he concentrates ;)

Brave Harrison

It is so fun to get together with your best friends and their kids!

All the kiddos, props to Hudson and Brantlee for smiling

Harrison was so excited!

We sung to Hudson first...

Than to Harrison!

A favorite gift....Hermit crabs from Kali, Kayla, Aunt Julia and Uncle Matthew, 2 more living things for me to be responsible for YAY!!
It was a sweet little party and the boys are still talking about it, all the grandparents were there and some great friends. Thank you for making our babies' party so special!