2011, for us was a great year! We had some big milestones this year. Here are some in photos and some in words.

We started the year expecting a little girl, Joel continued working for South Central and Laurel High School, I taught 8th grade and the boys went to the Children's Academy.
The boys were boys and I didn't know how I was going to manage 3... :)

We had a special Christening for Saylor and our friends and family came!

I had a lot of help!

We had a great day on the creek, the boys still talk about it, we needed a day of fun with them and we all had a blast!

They took swim lessons and learned a lot, they still ask (even when its 30 degrees) if they can go to swim lessons.

This precious gift has brought so much joy to her whole family, we all just watch her every move, we are so thankful and so blessed!

Our big boys started pre-school at St.John's and love going to school, they amaze us with the things they are learning.

We took a trip to the beach for the last time at the beach house and Saylor's first vacation! Great memories ;'(

Joel and I went to a best friends wedding in Memphis and had one of the best weekends of our lives, great food, friends and tons of fun.

We rediscovered a lot of old things and made them new again, a new hobby maybe.

Our Hudson turned 4! So hard to believe, we are so proud of this smart and loving boy!

Our "firstborn" turned four also! This funny and smart boy makes us laugh everyday!

We made a lot of new friends... as well as welcomed a lot of new friends into the world!

We cheered all of our teams on including Daddy's team he works on, the Laurel Tornadoes, who went all the way to State! All of our teams had winning seasons!

This lovely lady, my Granny, turned 90!!

I turned 30.... sigh

Our baby had her First Christmas!
It has been the busiest year of our lives but it also brought the most joy. We are loving life and trying to do the best we can as parents. It's hilarious, exhausting, scary, fun, exciting, sentimental but most of all rewarding ..... however, it is going by WAY too fast! Happy New Year and cheers to 2012!
Oh Amanda, I just love this post. It is truly amazing how much the boys have changed since January of last year!! Here's to 2012 :) :) May God bless this special family!