Our baby boys are 21 months old today! They are starting to understand so much and are a little bit better at communicating what they want. Here is a little sample of the latest vocabulary:
Hudson: Dar-Dar = Harrison Char-Char= Charlie Durdock= Murdoch (his train) Jews = shoes
His speech is a little harder to figure out sometimes but he is very adamant about what he is saying! In the mornings Hudson always wakes up before Harrison and I can hear him in the monitor yelling "DarDar!" over and over to wake him up. Harrison has started to put words together into phrases which is exciting to us.
Harrison: Pawpaw tuck beepbeep, Mama shoes(he brings me my shoes to put on whether they are flip flops or stilettos and I HAVE to wear them), I'll geet it!, Kiki gone! (he said this when Kimberly left our house yesterday about 100 times) Dadas mower bunnbunn (he loves to ride daddy's mower) and Here ya go. Oh, and he has started calling Hudson "Huddy", so cute.
This picture is a bird's eye view (or a mommy's eye view!) of my day after about 4:30 while trying to cook!

Here is Huddy's hug, he is very sweet to Harrison when he wants to be he will bring him his things and give him a hug and often a kiss.

Hudson with his phone

Harrison did NOT want me to take his picture so he flew to the ground and when he finally rolled over I got it!

We will be getting ready for a fun 4th with fireworks in Laurel on Friday with our good friends the Crager's and probably Mawmaw and Pawpaw and maybe Kali. Than to celebrate Liam's 3rd birthday on Saturday at his house. Our Yankee Doodle Dandee will be 3, hard to believe!! He calls Hudson "hudson" and Harrison "huddy" its funny. Happy 4th of July!!