2 Snips and 2 snails and 2 puppy dog tails....and now a little sugar and spice and everything nice thats what our little ones are made of!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Football is in the air....
Everybody is talking football around here these days. Maybe it's because Joel has his high school football games every Friday he has to be at, or NFL preseason games are getting everyone pumped up, or Southern Miss' first game is next Saturday... This is the first year that the boys actually get to see it on TV and make the connection to their footballs and throwing and catching. We were watching the Bears vs. Broncos preseason game last night and Harrison was yelling "Go Boys!!" "Catch Ball!" "Run run run!"..... I think Joel was delighted, it is going to be so fun to take them to a real game at the Rock soon! Tonight they will get to see Brett for the Vikings for our first time. Hopefully it will put them in the mood to go get in their big beds and sleep all night until 7:30 am.....??
Monday, August 24, 2009
It won't be like this for long...
I put a new song on my playlist that makes me tear up everytime I hear it. It has been a little rough around here lately with these two toddlers and new routines and new freedom...but I'm trying to keep my head above the water. They are really sweet boys and they don't mean to cause trouble sometimes, just going through phases I guess. This is a great song that helps me stand back up straight. Kiss your babies....it won't be like this for long!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Oink Oink!
10 girls , including myself were supposed to have a shower this weekend for our friend Kimberly who is 32 weeks prego with their first baby "Maggie". Kimberly is a drug rep and is in and out of doctor offices on a daily basis and had happened to go to Poplarville this week where they had a Swine Flu outbreak. She felt a little ill Friday and went to the doctor and tested positive for the swine! We had to cancel the shower and she is at home resting for the next 7 days. Hopefully getting only better and not worse, it is supposed to be pretty serious for pregnant women to get this. GET WELL KIKI!!! We can't wait for the Mags to make her grand entrance!!
The first night
We went to Matthew and Julia's house last night for fried Speckled Trout....OMG it was the best fried fish we have had in a long time, we can't quit talking about it. Pappy (Joel's Dad) and Nana Pierce were in from ATL and were there as well. Matthew and their Dad came over yesterday and helped us take down the cribs and put up the big beds. So after playing and eating we came home and put them in their beds to go to sleep for the first time. They were so big. They both laid on their pillow with the following in hand... Hudson= water, night night (blanket), rabbit, doggy, and two pillows. Harrison = pacifier, blanky, water, rabbit, doggy, and two pillows. They went right to sleep and slept until this morning. It is different that they just come walking out now when they wake up. Joel and I both had to gulp down the lumps in our throats last night but now we are here and moving forward!

I snuck in and took a picture after they went to sleep!
Here is Kayla in the swing
Harrison, Kali and Hudson on her little 4-wheeler
Matthew, Pappy and Joel
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Big Beds!
I did it...I bought 2 full mattresses, 2 sheet sets, 2 mattress pads, and most importantly 2 vinyl mattress covers! It will be set up and ready for the new night time routine as of Sunday, so the countdown begins (as does the nervousness). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I have been googling "twins transition to big beds" "toddler big bed" "night time routine toddler". I also have stopped trying to potty train because I don't want too much going on to stress them out...okay fine to stress me out. I will post pics of our soon to be 2 year old's new big boy rooms as soon as we get them assembled. I do have a gate to put at the door and we will be locking the closet and bathroom doors in their room and taking out pretty much all the toys except books and animals. My sweet sister-in-law Ashley has passed down the x-long bed rails as well. She has passed down much more twin stuff and advice as well, it's nice to know someone else in the biz of raising two toddlers and that it is all "normal". They have been so sweet and fun today here is a clip!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Rockin the outdoors
Here is a snapshot of the morning, Hudson and Harrison are modeling our new outdoor furniture. We painted our new picnic table but it is so heavy it is still on the grass and not on the deck! Also a pic of Hudson and Harrison fighting over the Cozy Coupe Car...yes we have 2 but one is always more desirable :) Have a great weekend!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
New Computer!
We got a new MacBook Pro for Joel to use for school and it is a strange new world for us....pretty intimidating. Having to learn a new system kind of throws a monkey-wrench at my control issues...ha! So here is what me and Hudson did figure out this morning....photo booth!
When I went in to get the boys out of their beds this morning...Hudson was on the floor playing with trains and Harrison was yelling "Down!" at him. AAH!! I am overwhelmed with trying to figure out what to do...do we get tents for their cribs, mattresses for the floor, try to scold them so they wont climb out and risk a fall...?? I am just not sure they can handle the freedom of big beds just yet but maybe they would embrace it. Anyway I guess we will need to figure this out today! We just heard Harrison waking up, better go get him out before he attempts an escape!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
All is well!
The boys finally woke up today without a fever and it has not returned yet! It was great to see them be able to play and interact instead of being laid up. Also, the A/C is good to go, the drain was clogged so no 2k bill!
We have been coloring ALL day today, I might have started something I can't finish...they want to color non-stop and the colors are down to nubs. Harrison has been saying Huddy a lot in various ways like "No Huddy!" or "Bye Huddy" and "Hey Huddy" he is so funny. Here is a picture of you guessed it....coloring!

Joel has decided to go back to school and get his DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) this year. He didn't expect to have to start so soon, but he has to be in Jackson on the 20th of this month. He will be getting it through UMC in Jackson (Ole Miss). He will have to go one Saturday a month and most of the other work will be done online, thus he ordered a new Mac last night...we are technologically challenged compared to most of our friends so it will be interesting learning a whole new system. I am so proud he is getting this done, although I know it is going to be tough between work, home health, football and soccer....oh yeah and us! ha! It will only take a year and we can do anything for a year!
We have been coloring ALL day today, I might have started something I can't finish...they want to color non-stop and the colors are down to nubs. Harrison has been saying Huddy a lot in various ways like "No Huddy!" or "Bye Huddy" and "Hey Huddy" he is so funny. Here is a picture of you guessed it....coloring!
Joel has decided to go back to school and get his DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) this year. He didn't expect to have to start so soon, but he has to be in Jackson on the 20th of this month. He will be getting it through UMC in Jackson (Ole Miss). He will have to go one Saturday a month and most of the other work will be done online, thus he ordered a new Mac last night...we are technologically challenged compared to most of our friends so it will be interesting learning a whole new system. I am so proud he is getting this done, although I know it is going to be tough between work, home health, football and soccer....oh yeah and us! ha! It will only take a year and we can do anything for a year!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Forever Fevers!
The boys have had a Fever Virus this week (since last Wednesday) and I keep thinking surely this is the last day! We have to try to catch the fever with Motrin before it returns but it usually beats us to it. Last night our main A/C unit quit blowing cold air, the boys didn't sleep well so I put them in the guest bed with me and Joel slept in our hot room with a fan on him. So we are hot and tired but hopefully this thing is about to be through running its course! I have to say, both of the boys were so pitiful and tired last night they both crawled in my lap in their glider and let me rock them for awhile and it filled up my love tank. I know that will probably not happen again for a long time if ever! So maybe this thing is just going to end with a bang and a couple grand on the A/C bill!! Poor Joel :(
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