Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Computer!

We got a new MacBook Pro for Joel to use for school and it is a strange new world for us....pretty intimidating. Having to learn a new system kind of throws a monkey-wrench at my control issues...ha! So here is what me and Hudson did figure out this morning....photo booth!

When I went in to get the boys out of their beds this morning...Hudson was on the floor playing with trains and Harrison was yelling "Down!" at him. AAH!! I am overwhelmed with trying to figure out what to do...do we get tents for their cribs, mattresses for the floor, try to scold them so they wont climb out and risk a fall...?? I am just not sure they can handle the freedom of big beds just yet but maybe they would embrace it. Anyway I guess we will need to figure this out today! We just heard Harrison waking up, better go get him out before he attempts an escape!


  1. Oh good... Ford isn't mobile yet but it's coming. When you figure out what to do let me know.
