We have been coloring ALL day today, I might have started something I can't finish...they want to color non-stop and the colors are down to nubs. Harrison has been saying Huddy a lot in various ways like "No Huddy!" or "Bye Huddy" and "Hey Huddy" he is so funny. Here is a picture of you guessed it....coloring!
Joel has decided to go back to school and get his DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) this year. He didn't expect to have to start so soon, but he has to be in Jackson on the 20th of this month. He will be getting it through UMC in Jackson (Ole Miss). He will have to go one Saturday a month and most of the other work will be done online, thus he ordered a new Mac last night...we are technologically challenged compared to most of our friends so it will be interesting learning a whole new system. I am so proud he is getting this done, although I know it is going to be tough between work, home health, football and soccer....oh yeah and us! ha! It will only take a year and we can do anything for a year!
so glad ya'll decided on a MAC! you will love it!! i want to come color with the boys. I love coloring!!