Friday, December 10, 2010

Santa 2010

Here are some pics to catch up on a few things we have been up to!
See the deer below? There were six doe and they pretty much travel together. This was in Mawmaw and Pawpaw's backyard, they keep a feeder down the way for them, they are so big! Hudson was amazed and snuck so quietly out on the back porch to get a closer look.
He was so quiet!

Our big boys by their Christmas tree.

Harrison: "Mommy, why you hang all those socks up there?" (stockings)
"Baby Jesus' birthday is on Christmas! Will we get a balloon?"

Hudson: "Santa looks like a Grandpa, Mommy."
" I will sit on him but I don't have to look at him" (Santa)

A look back at some Santa history with the Pierce Boys

This was their 2nd Christmas 2008, (14 months old) Hudson was terrified. Nobody could talk so they didn't ask for anything, easy year!

This is their 3rd Christmas 2009, (26 months) Hudson was terrified, they were rushed off so Hudson would not cause too much of a scene, again nobody asked for anything.

Grand Finale......
Fourth Christmas 2010, (3 yrs 2 mos). Harrison went to see Santa in Hattiesburg first and told him Hudson was too scared but he wanted an airplane and Harrison asked for a rocket ship for himself. Then, tonight we asked Hudson if he wanted to go tell Santa what he wanted and he reluctantly agreed. He didn't look at him but they both shot great smiles to the camera....Success!
Now we will see if they are good and if Santa will bring them their requests!


  1. Precious! yes, that's a success for sure! The first 2 pictures crack me up. Clearly, Hudson was NOT a fan... too funny :)

  2. Too cute!! I love how you are keeping record of all the things they say.

  3. So cute!! Love the last Santa pic! They look SO big too fast though :'(
