Saturday, March 12, 2011

Switches and Snake Alert

As a teacher this year, I truly love celebrating Spring Break again!! I have been without a camera this week because I left it my family baby shower (post on that to follow as soon as I retrieve my camera!) last weekend so I have no new pictures :( We had MAJOR rain this week and the road our neighborhood is on got washed out by the creek/swamp (Beaver Lake) behind our house. I saw yesterday where our news station WDAM issued a warning about misplaced wildlife and reptiles (AKA hungry, scared and aggressive snakes who take up residence in the said creek/swamp behind our house). So I am the only one in our family on high alert for snakes!

I plan on wrapping up all our loose ends on our pending nursery this week, cleaning out winter clothes, and trying to organize piles for a garage sale we keep talking about. I am 31 weeks this week and will schedule my c-section in a week at my next appointment. The boys are really excited and I have finally convinced Harrison that the doctor will take the baby out of my belly button, he has been very curious about the logistics of just how she gets here and at what point she gets to come home. He is refusing to help change diapers but wants to get a new paci (not wash it off) if hers falls on the floor. Hudson wants to help with diaper duty and feeding!

To finish (so we can go to Hattiesburg and shop and meet friends for a bday dinner), last night we were moving our wood pile from our garage down to the bottom of the yard near the water. Joel was working hard unloading wood so I was on snake patrol and trying to keep the boys busy with their guns (sticks) so they didn't want to get near wood, water, trees, shrubs, grass etc (snakes can be anywhere). I told them they needed to learn what a "switch" was...and Harrison responded, "I already know what that is." He said, "that's a stick you spank people with." I was so shocked, we have never said that word or talked about one around them and I asked him how he knew that and he said his teacher at school told him about it........hmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha...has that mean teacher been getting switches after those sweet boys!! I am dying to come see the nursery. Hurry up!!
