Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sissy Sue is 1.5

Our little sugar and spice turned 18 months old last weekend! She deserves her own post. Saylor is a sweet girl who seems to be pretty mild mannered so far. She will throw down on the floor but not for long and I just walk away and she gets up and moves right along...I'm sure that wont last but for now its not too major. She knows what she wants and most of the time it is one of these: Take her outside, put her up in my bedroom chair (with pacifier, blanket and juice and she knows when one is missing!), or spread her blankie out on the floor and smooth it out so she can lay on it! She has really gotten into her babies and being a Mommy in the past couple months. She still takes 2 good naps a day and will go to sleep at night around 8:30 and wake around 6:45. She loves to be outside the most. She doesn't talk (word wise) very much but she gets her point across. She is going to her Khaki's house every Mon-Thurs from 8-12  and loves it there, which makes it easy for all of us. She reaches for her every morning and walks to the door smiling saying "Momma!" when I come get her! She leaves her bows alone in her hair (so far) and loves shoes, wants them on all the time or wants to change them. She is a happy girl and will give sugars but if she does not know you don't get your feelings hurt because she does not hand out smiles :) In fact our mail lady calls her "Poker Queen" because of her poker face, ha.

Saylor's Favorites:
Macaroni and Cheese
Warmed Milk
Playing babies
Walking outside
Checking the mail
Visiting the horses
Going Bye-Bye
Riding by Lowe's to see the giant Santa blow-up (she squeals in delight!)

Doesn't this look cold? It was! She is a tall girl in the 75th percentile!

This is her first cup at a restaurant with a straw and she LOVED it, was such a big girl.

Well....she has two older brothers and they dressed her as a power ranger with the belt buckle and sword.

Today she explored painting for the first time and was very responsible! This is new territory for me because the Pierce boys never got a chance to do things like this unless I wanted it on the ceiling and floor :)

She will tell them fast when they have invaded her bubble or are not doing what they are supposed to, she even tattles on them (Hudson) when they wont do something by pointing and screaming and pulling me to show me. I think she will be is the boss.