Thursday, November 1, 2012

First Trim!

Saylor needed her hair trimmed, it all of a sudden grew so fast that the ends were pretty scraggly. So, knowing how she is with all medical personnel or even the poor lady that tried to measure her foot one time, I knew it was not going to be a walk in the park. I am a firm believer of not sitting in the chair with them if at all possible so we got her a booster and a sucker (the cape was a no-go obviously) and Mrs.Vanessa went to town! It took about 5 minutes and she was done! 

She didn't scream or really shed any tears she just fussed the entire time....see below!

I just snapped this quick pic, Hudson took it upon himself to put our buggy away at Lowe's yesterday, he is starting to "help" with the manly things without being asked. He helps bring in groceries, helps Saylor in and out of the car and other sweet little things.

Their class went to the Pumpkin Patch at the FUMC in Laurel like they do every year. Mr.Ben read them a precious story and they all picked out a pumpkin. Love these kiddos :)


  1. I love that Saylor is already dramatic and running the show, HA! It doesn't get better ;) Got to love these girls!

  2. What a sweetie Hudson is! I actually trimmed about an inch off of Berkley's hair this week! No one seemed to notice, so I guess I didn't mess it up too bad :)
