Thursday, November 8, 2012


We (USA) elected President Obama for a second term this week, it was a 50/49 race. Very close! We were Romney supporters but will trust that this is what America wanted and it will work out for the best. Here are some recent sweet pics from my phone I wanted to share!

This is what I look at while in the restroom....every.single.time.
But, no complaints, she's good company!

On our way home from church at night the boys take turns pulling into our driveway, they are getting pretty good!

Fall 2012 Soccer season is over and they received medals! They both had a great year and are getting better with each game. Hudson has come out of his shell this season and made many goals and improved on his agility. Harrison scored many goals too and loved showboating around the field, he would always look to see if I was cheering for him and if I wasn't he would stop and get my attention :)

UPS came today and Hudson ran around front to see what it was and came back with this!! Early birthday surprise spoiler for me! Yay!! This was WAAAY too much JP!

Saylor and her new toy she discovered in the playroom, Woody. She kisses him and holds him like a newborn :)

Daddy is so fun! They love when he gets home and we are all outside.

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