Well, I have a "bad mom" confession to make.... I was so very tired last night it had been a loooong day so I went to bed early. Joel got home from his baseball game and accidently made a bunch of noise and woke up Hudson. He would NOT stop crying so finally Joel went to get him and put him in bed with us. Hudson is, in a nice way...a drama king...he finally calmed down and went to sleep but not for long. He woke up several times in the night, Harrison woke up too but I rocked and rocked and got him back to sleep and lest I forget Charlie ALSO woke up and went out. SO.... around 5:45 I turned on Blue's Clues and got Huddy settled on our bed and I crashed. Not on purpose but I was beyond sleepy. Who really knows what happened in the next hour besides Hudson and I don't think he is talkin!! An hour later he woke me up with a cup in my face saying "uh oh, uh oh". He had spilled a rootbeer I had left on my nightstand. I guess he just played and watched tv, everything looked normal, the gate was up so he couldn't get out of my room. Whew! I guess like my father-in-law always says, "God protects children and fools".
We also had our first bite!! Hudson bit Harrison in fuss they were having over some books, it left a bad bruise. Harrison was heart broken, but maybe this is an isolated event.
As our Easter weekend starts and we see our friends and family remember these times together are never promised they are truly a gift.
John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who
believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in
me will never die.
believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in
me will never die.
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