"New School" was so much better on Thursday, minimal crying and they said they had so much fun. I sent them with shirts that had their name on them so the teachers would be sure to know who is who! My mom made a good point when she said, "Amanda, you still have relatives who don't know their names or can't tell them apart" true, but have you seen these boys they don't look anything alike! Oh well, it will get easier each time they go.
We had a little shower for my long-time dear friend Brooke last weekend. She is having her second baby, a boy, Porter. She has Emma who is 2 and a half. There is a "boy" wave right now. Out of 5 friends that are pregnant, 5 friends are having boys! Melanie, Brooke, Vanessa, Holly, and Abbie! Wow! Congrats to all these girls, boys are such a great blessing, they always have your back and keep you laughing!!

Kimberly, Kathryn, Brooke, Emma and Me

"Brooksey" and Emma by the cake
I am glad school is going better. You know its harder on mama than it is the babies! And I wanted to tell you, after looking at all of the reunion pictures, you sure do look great girl! You are cute as a button, no one would ever believe you carried twins!